With an experience expanded over 20 years, Datacom Company has focused on two main domains – Project Management and IT&Software. The Project Management part of the company has developed different strategies tailored on the specific needs of clients from different domains of activity. Also, due to the vast experienced accumulated over the years it has gained the ability and tools necessary to create an optimised and efficient management for any type of project.
DATACOM has also a vast experience in developing International Projects, the latest work being “SMART CITY” – an ambitious project in Zambia, Africa.
From the IT&Software department there is currently one main brand which is well established in the Romanian market: TravelOS.
Financial Advice
Professional financial guidance, based on clients needs and goals.
Investment Planning
Crucial in mapping the financial future and success of the project.
Safe And Secure
Identifying possible hazards and taking measures to minimise the risk.